Al-'Ubur Public Transit Routes and Schedules

1016 Dawaran Shubra-Al Shorouq 1032 Al Moassasa-Obour 1056 Abd Al Moneim Riad-Al Shorouq 1083 Abd Al Moneim Riad-Obour CTA 1004 Attaba - Isbiko Station CTA 1005 Dawaran Shubra Station - Obour Market CTA 1016 Al Shorouq - Dawaran Shubra Station CTA 1023 Ahmed Helmy Station - Badr City CTA 1027 Abd Al Moneim Riad Station - Isbiko Station CTA 1030 Isbiko Station - Moassasa Station CTA 1032 Moassasa Station - Obour Station CTA 1056 Abd Al Moneim Riad Station - Al Shorouq CTA 1056 Na CTA 1057 Badr City - Hadaek EL Kobba CTA 1081 Abd Al Moneim Riad Station - Isbiko Station CTA 1083 Abd Al Moneim Riad Station - Obour Station CTA 1147 Attaba - Obour Station CTA 1148 Abd Al Moneim Riad Station - Isbiko Station CTA 317 10th of Ramadan Station - Badr City CTA 330 Abd Al Moneim Riad Station - Isbiko Station CTA 919-1100 Na CTA 940s Abd Al Moneim Riad Station - Salam Alexandria Station IC173 Shabab Stop Obour-New Marg IC174 Rawda Mosque Obour-New Marg IC176 Al Shorouq Academy (Dorra)-Alf Maskan IC177 Al Shorouq Academy (Dorra)-Awwal Makram Ebeid IC178 Al Shorouq Academy (Dorra)-Salam Nahda IC179 Shabab Stop Obour-Salam Nahda IC180 Al Hijaz (Obour Police Station)-Salam Nahda IC181 10th of Ramadan Station (Asher Men Ramadan)-Al Shorouq Water Station IC182 10th of Ramadan Station (Asher Men Ramadan)-Al Shorouq Academy (Dorra) IC183 Al Shorouq Academy (Dorra)-10th of Ramdan City IC184 10th of Ramadan Station (Asher Men Ramadan)-Shabab Stop Obour IC185 10th of Ramadan Station (Asher Men Ramadan)-Rawda Mosque Obour IC186 10th of Ramadan Station (Asher Men Ramadan)-Al Hijaz (Obour Police Station) Microbus 10th of Ramadan City - 10th of Ramadan Station Microbus 10th of Ramadan City - Al Shorouq Academy Station Microbus 10th of Ramadan Station - Al Hegaz (Obour Police ) Microbus 10th of Ramadan Station - Al Shorouq Academy Station Microbus 10th of Ramadan Station - Al Shorouq Water Microbus 10th of Ramadan Station - Khanka Microbus 10th of Ramadan Station - Rabaah Al Adaweya Mosque Microbus 10th of Ramadan Station - Salam Alexandria Station Microbus 10th of Ramadan Station - Shabab (Obour) Microbus 10th of Ramadan Station - Wizarat District - New Administrative Capital Microbus Ahmed Helmy Station - Badr City Microbus Ahmed Helmy Station - Badr City Microbus Al Banhawi - Isbiko Station Microbus Al Nozha Al Gadida Station (Gesr El Suez Garage) - Nahda City Station Microbus Al Sayeda Aisha Station - Isbiko Station Microbus Al Sayeda Aisha Station - Nahda City Station Microbus Alf Maskan Station - Shabab (Obour) Microbus Badr City - Moneeb Station Microbus Bulaq Al Dakrur Station - Nahda City Station Microbus Imbaba Station - Nahda City Station Microbus Isbiko Station - Nahda City Station Microbus Kolleyet Al Zeraah (Ain Shams University) - Obour Market Microbus Mazlaqan Al Deweqa - Nahda City Station Microbus Moassasa Station - Nahda City Station Microbus Na Microbus New Marg Station - Rawda Mosque (Obour) Microbus New Marg Station - Shabab (Obour)