Christchurch Public Transit Routes and Schedules

1 Rangiora/Cashmere 3 Airport/Sumner 5 Rolleston/New Brighton 7 Halswell/Queenspark 8 Airport/Lyttelton 27 Northwood/Huntsbury 29 Airport/City via Fendalton 44 Shirley/Westmorland 60 Hillmorton/Southshore 80 Lincoln/Parklands 81 Lincoln/City direct 85 Rolleston/City direct 86 Darfield/City 91 Rangiora/City direct 92 Kaiapoi/City direct 95 City/Pegasus and Waikuku 100 Wigram/The Palms 107 Styx Mill/Northlands 120 Burnside/Spreydon 125 Redwood/Westlake 130 Hei Hei/Avonhead 135 The Palms/New Brighton 140 Russley/Mt Pleasant 155 Eastgate/Lyttelton 820 Burnham/Lincoln via Rolleston Christchurch - Akaroa Christchurch - Hanmer Springs Christchurch - Hanmer Springs Christchurch - Hornby (Christchurch) Christchurch - Picton Christchurch - Te Anau Christchurch - Dunedin Queenstown - Christchurch Queenstown - Christchurch Queenstown - Christchurch Oa Orbiter Oc Orbiter F Diamond Harbour Ferry Christchurch - Greymouth