Port Orchard Public Transit Routes and Schedules

1 Shelton to Belfair via Hwy 3 3 Belfair to Bremerton 4 Belfair Loop 4 Tremont 5 Sidney 8 Bethel 9 East Port Orchard 23 Belfair to Bremerton 81 Annapolis Commuter 85 Mullenix Express 86 Southworth Shuttle 93 Manzanita 94 Agate Point 95 Battle Point 96 Sunrise 97 Crystal Springs 98 Fort Ward 99 Bill Point 100 Gig Harbor 106 Fletcher Bay 118 119 184 Harper Shuttle 212 Bremerton/Silverdale West 215 Mcwilliams 217 Bremerton/Silverdale East 219 Crossroads 220 Sunn Fjord 221 Perry 222 Gateway Express 223 Kariotis 224 Olympic College 225 Sheridan Park 226 Bay Vista 228 Marion 229 Trenton 265 Silverdale Central 266 Silverdale Ridgetop 301 North Kitsap Fast Ferry Express 302 Kingston/Suquamish Fast Ferry 331 Poulsbo/Myhre 332 Poulsbo/Ridgetop 333 Silverdale/Bainbridge 390 Poulsbo/Bainbridge 391 Kingston/Bainbridge 800 BI Ride 801 SK Ride 807 Sunday On-Demand Burley Worker/Driver Fairgrounds Worker/Driver Horseshoe Lake Worker/Driver Illahee Worker/Driver Long Lake Days Worker/Driver Manchester Beach Worker/Driver The Strait Shot Tracyton Worker/Driver Viking Express Worker/Driver Winslow Worker/Driver 400 Bremerton-Seattle Fast Ferry 403 Seattle-Bremerton Fast Ferry 500 Bremerton-Port Orchard Foot Ferry 501 Annapolis Foot Ferry 975 Bremerton - Seattle Fauntleroy - Vashon Island Seattle - Bremerton Southworth - Vashon Island Vashon Island - Fauntleroy Vashon Island - Southworth