Staten Island Public Transit Routes and Schedules

48 116 131 133 135 602 Route 36 - Port Authority 604 Route 36 - Wall Street 803 810 813 815 817 834 S42 St. George - Clyde Place S44 St. George - Staten Island Mall S46 St. George - West Shore Plaza S48 St. George - Mariners Harbor S51 St. George - Grant City S52 St. George - Staten Island Univ. Hospital S53 Port Richmond - Bay Ridge S54 West New Brighton - Eltingville S55 Rossville - Staten Island Mall S56 Huguenot - Staten Island Mall S57 Port Richmond - New Dorp S59 Port Richmond - Tottenville S61 St. George - Staten Island Mall S62 St. George - Travis S66 St. George - Port Richmond S74 St. George - Bricktown Mall S76 St. George - Oakwood S78 St. George - Bricktown Mall S79-SBS Staten Island Mall - Bay Ridge S81 St. George - Grant City Ltd S84 St. George - Bricktown Mall Ltd S86 St. George - Oakwood Ltd S89 Eltingville - Bayonne Ltd S91 St. George - Staten Island Mall Ltd S92 St. George - Travis Ltd S93 College of Staten Island - Bay Ridge Ltd S94 St. George - Staten Island Mall Ltd S96 St. George - West Shore Plaza Ltd S98 St. George - Mariners Harbor Ltd SIM1 Eltingville - Lower Manhattan Express SIM10 Eltingville - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM11 New Dorp - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM15 Eltingville - Lower Manhattan Express SIM1C Eltingville - Manhattan Express SIM2 Tottenville - Lower Manhattan Express SIM22 Eltingville - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM23 Annadale - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM23 SIM 23 Prince's Bay - Midtown Manhattan SIM24 Prince's Bay - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM24 SIM 24 Outerbridge Park and Ride - Midtown Manhattan SIM25 Tottenville - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM26 Tottenville - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM3 Pt. Richmond - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM30 Sunnyside - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM31 Eltingville - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM32 Travis - Lower Manhattan Express SIM33 Mariners Harbor - Manhattan Express SIM33C Mariners Harbor - Greenwich Village Express SIM34 Mariners Harbor - Lower Manhattan Express SIM35 Port Richmond - Lower Manhattan Express SIM3C Pt. Richmond - Manhattan Express SIM4 Eltingville - Lower Manhattan Express SIM4C Huguenot - Manhattan Express SIM4X S.I. Mall - Lower Manhattan Express SIM5 Eltingville - Lower Manhattan Express SIM6 Eltingville - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM7 Eltingville - Greenwich Village Express SIM8 Huguenot - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM8X S.I. Mall - Midtown Manhattan Express SIM9 Eltingville - Greenwich Village Express NJCL North Jersey Coast Line NJCLL North Jersey Coast Line SIR Staten Island Railway