Kinshasa Public Transit Routes and Schedules

Bandal _ TO _ Bayaka Bandal _ TO _ Bongolo Bandal _ TO _ Gambela Bandal _ TO _ Huilerie Bandal _ TO _ Mariano Bandal _ TO _ Selembao Bandal _ TO _ Victoire Bandal _ TO _ Zando Bandal_Kintambo TO _ Magasin Beau March_ TO _ Boulevard 30 Juin Beau March_ TO _ Limete 7ieme Rue Beau Marche_ TO _ Kimbuta Quartier 1 Beau Marche_ TO _ Lemba Beau Marche_ TO _ Pont Chaud Beau Marche_ TO _ Pont Chaud Beau Marche_ TO _ Pont Matete Beau Marche_ TO _Victoire Beau Marche_To _ Tp Cite Verte_ TO _ Kimuenza Cite Verte_ TO _ Mitendi Cite Verte_ TO _ Upn Cite Verte_ TO _ Zando Gambela_ TO _ Bandal Gambela_ TO _ Kingasani Gambela_ TO _ Lemba Gambela_ TO _ Matete Gambela_ TO _ Matete Gambela_ TO _ Pompage Gambela_ TO _ Pompage Gambela_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Gambela_ TO _ Selembao Gambela_ TO _ Zando Gombe _ TO _ Huilerie Gombe Centre Ville _ TO _ Mama Yemo Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Cimetiere Kitambo Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Dgc Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Kingasani Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Matete Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Matete Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Super Lemba Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Velodrome Gombe Centre Ville_ TO _ Victoire Gombe Centre Ville_Kitambo Magasin Gombe Ville_ TO _ Cimetiere Kitambo Gombe Ville_ TO _ Cimetiere Kitambo Gombe Ville_ TO _ Dgc Gombe Ville_ TO _ Dgc Gombe Ville_ TO _ Huilerie Gombe Ville_ TO _ Kingasani Gombe Ville_ TO _ Kingasani Gombe Ville_ TO _ Magasin Gombe Ville_ TO _ Matadi Mayo Gombe Ville_ TO _ Matete Gombe Ville_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Gombe Ville_ TO _ Selembao Gombe Ville_ TO _ Super Lemba Gombe Ville_ TO _ Super Lemba Gombe Ville_ TO _ Upn Gombe Ville_ TO _ Victoire Gombe Ville_ TO _Velodrome Hopital Kintambo _ Zando Huilerie_ TO _ Bandal Molar Huilerie_ TO _ Beau Marche Huilerie_ TO _ Matete Huilerie_ TO _ Selembao Huilerie_ TO _ Super Lemba Intendance Unikin_ TO _ Campus Intendance Unikin_ TO _ Matete Intendance Unikin_ TO _ Rond point ngaba Kimbanseke _ TO _ Zando Kimbaseke_ TO _ Gambela Kimbaseke_ TO _ Masina pascal Kimbaseke_ TO _ Matete Kimbaseke_ TO _ Rond points ngala Kimbaseke_ TO _ Zando Kingabwa_ TO _ Beau Marche Kingabwa_ TO _ Kingasani Kingabwa_ TO _ Pont Matete Kingabwa_ TO _ Pont Matete Kingabwa_ TO _ Victoire Kingabwa_ TO _ Victoire Kingabwa_ TO _ Zando Kingasani _ TO _ Bibua Kingasani _ TO _ Commerce Kingasani _ TO _ Kinkole Kingasani_ TO _ Bibua Kingasani_ TO _ Kimbanseke Kingasani_ TO _ Kimbanseke Kingasani_ TO _ Kimbaseke Kingasani_ TO _ Maluku Kingasani_ TO _ Matete Kingasani_ TO _ Rond point Kingasani_ TO _ Rond point Kingasani_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Kingasani_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Kingasani_ TO _ Zando Kingasani_Kinkole Kinkole _ TO _ Debonhomme Kintambo Magasin_ TO _ Gombe Cadeco Kintambo Magasin_ TO _ Sola Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Boulevard 30 Juin Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Cimetiere Kitambo Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Dgc Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Gramalique Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Gramalique Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Huilerie Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Pompage Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Super Lemba Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Victoire Kitambo Magasin_ TO _ Victoire Kitambo Magasin_To _ Huilerie Kitambo Magasin_To _ Huilerie Lemba _ Hotel de Poste Limete 7ieme Rue_ TO _ Beau Marche Limete 7ieme Rue_ TO _ Boulevard 30 Juin Limete 7ieme Rue_ TO _ Huilerie Limete 7ieme Rue_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Limete 7ieme Rue_ TO _ Victoire Makala Le Destin_ TO _ Huilerie Makala Le Destin_ TO _ Pont Gabi Makala Le Destin_ TO _ Victoire Makala Le Destin_ TO _ Zando Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Bitabe Marche Liberte Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Kingasani Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Kingasani ya suka Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Marche de Liberte Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Matete Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Matete Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Super Lemba Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Victoire Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Victoire Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Victoire Masina Petro Congo_ TO _ Zando Masina Sans Fil _ TO _ Royal Matadi Kibala_ TO _ Maman Koko Matadi Kibala_ TO _ Masanga Mbila Matadi Kibala_ TO _ Matshotsho Matadi Kibala_ TO _ Mbeseke Matadi Kibala_ TO _ Mitendi Matadi Kibala_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Matadi Kibala_ TO _ Terre Jaune Matete _ Zando Matete_ TO _ Gambela Matete_ TO _ Isc Matete_ TO _ Kadi Matete_ TO _ Kingasani Matete_ TO _ Kingasani Matete_ TO _ Limete 7ieme Matete_ TO _ Limete 7ieme Rue Matete_ TO _ Masina Petro Congo Matete_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Matete_ TO _ Salongo Matete_ TO _ Salongo Matete_ TO _ Super Lemba Matete_ TO _ Upn Matete_ TO _ Upn Matete_ TO _ Victoire Matete_ TO _ Zando Matete_ TO _ Zando Mbudi _ TO _ Gambela Ngiri Ngiri _ Gare Centrale Ngiri Ngiri_ TO _ Selembao Ngiri Ngiri_ TO _ Victoire Ndijili st Therese_ TO _ Kimbaseke Ndijili st Therese_ TO _ Masina pascal Ndijili st Therese_ TO _ Matete Ndijili st Therese_ TO _ Matete Ndijili st Therese_ TO _ Rond Pond Ngaba Ndijili st Therese_ TO _ Victoire Ndjili st Therese_ TO _ Gare centrale Sabena Ndjili st Therese_ TO _ Secomaf Ndjili st Therese_ TO _ Zando Ndjili st Therese_ TO _ Zando Petro Congo _ TO _ Zando Pompage_ TO _ Dgc Pompage_ TO _ Kimbuala Pompage_ TO _ Magasin Pompage_ TO _ Malweka Pompage_ TO _ Mbudi Pompage_ TO _ Sola Pompage_ TO _ Zando Rond Point Ngaba _ Fonction Publique Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Campus Unikin Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Cimeteire Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Kimuenza Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Kindele Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ kingasani ya suka Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ kingasani ya suka Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Masanga Mbila Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Masanga Mbila Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Masanga Mbila Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Masina Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Matadi Kibala Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Matete Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ matete Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ matete Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Ndijili st Therese Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Ndijili st Therese Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Upn Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Victoire Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Zando Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Zando Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _ Zando Rond Point Ngaba_ TO _Upn Selembao _ Zando Selembao_ TO _ Bandal Selembao_ TO _ Gambela Selembao_ TO _ Matadikibala Selembao_ TO _ Matadikibala Selembao_ TO _ Upn Selembao_ TO _ Victoire Selembao_ TO _ Zando Super Lemba _ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Super Lemba_ TO _ Bandal Molar Super Lemba_ TO _ Isc Super Lemba_ TO _ Isc Super Lemba_ TO _ Kingasani Super Lemba_ TO _ Limete 7ieme Rue Super Lemba_ TO _ Masina Pascal Super Lemba_ TO _ Masina Petro Congo Super Lemba_ TO _ Matete Super Lemba_ TO _ Ndjili St Therese Super Lemba_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Super Lemba_ TO _ Victoire Super Lemba_ TO _ Victoire Super Lemba_ TO _ Zando Super Lemba_ TO _ Zando Unikin Campus_ TO _ Kindele Unikin Campus_ TO _ Matadimayo Unikin Campus_ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba Unikin Campus_ TO _ Rond Pond Ngaba Unikin Campus_ TO _ Upn UPN _ TO _ Campus Unikin UPN _ TO _ Matete UPN _ TO _ Mitendi UPN _ TO _ Rond Point Ngaba UPN _ TO _ Victoire Upn_ TO _ Bandal Upn_ TO _ Barre centre Upn_ TO _ Campus Unikin Upn_ TO _ Cite Verte Upn_ TO _ Delvaux Upn_ TO _ Dgc Upn_ TO _ Dgc Upn_ TO _ Kintambo Upn_ TO _ Marine Upn_ TO _ Masanga Mbila Upn_ TO _ Matadi Kibala Upn_ TO _ Mitendi Upn_ TO _ Pomobati Upn_ TO _ Pompage Upn_ TO _ Pompage Upn_ TO _ Sakombi Upn_ TO _ Selembao Upn_ TO _ Victoire Upn_ TO _ Victoire Upn_ TO _ Zamba Telecom Upn_ TO _ Zando Upn_ TO _ Zando Upn_ TO _Selembao Upn_ TO _Selembao Victoire_ TO _ 24 Mandela Victoire_ TO _ Bandal Molar Victoire_ TO _ Bandal Tshibangu Victoire_ TO _ Baramoto Victoire_ TO _ Beau marche Victoire_ TO _ Huilerie Victoire_ TO _ Intendance Unikin Victoire_ TO _ Kingabwa Victoire_ TO _ Kingasani Victoire_ TO _ Kitambo Magasin Victoire_ TO _ Matete Victoire_ TO _ Ndjili Quartier 1 Victoire_ TO _ Selembao Yolo Ezo_ TO _ Baramoto Yolo Ezo_ TO _ Matete Yolo Ezo_ TO _ Victoire Yolo Ezo_ TO _ Zando